Icon Fonts Love RapidWeaver
Icon Fonts Stack Reference
Icon Fonts Stack Reference
This is for RapidWeaver, get it here and enjoy endless Icon choices with size controls, animations and colour options!
This is a production ready improvement on weloveiconfonts used for RapidWeaver Icons Stack v1. Now with added Fonts and SSL!
Send a message to us via our support email if you have any questions with using this Stack in RapidWeaver.
Crowdsourced collection of web brands by fontello.
A set of 250+ carefully crafted pictograms by Daniel Bruce.
The iconic font designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap by Dave Gandy.
A bunch of emoticons, loading- and browser-icons are in this awesome collection by fontello.
It's a clean point of interest icon set made for web cartography by MapBox.
Be proud of using Open Web Standards and show it to the world... by Matthias Pfefferle.
All-purpose icons by Stephen Hutchings.
A huge collection of zocial & brand icons by Sam Collins.
733 gorgeous icons from the ionic framework by Drifty.
320+ pixel-perfect, hand-crafted icons that draw inspiration from Apple iOS 7 by Themify.
1. Select the font family from the Stack 2. Click the icon on this page that you want to use 3. Look for the name in the footer or on your cursor 4. Copy & paste this name in the Stack Tip: For Ionicons copy without family name. So first one is "ionic", second "arrow-up-a", etc and Themify is the same pattern without "ti-"